公司成立于江浙,致力于印刷服务。经过发展,东润已成为江浙沪优秀印刷服务商 。

First, the receipt printing and receipt of the same point: receipt printing and receipt are all the original credentials, they can prove that a certain amount of money; different points: the receipt of the receipt of money can only be money, the receipt of the money can not be used as the capital, cost or income, only as a receipt for the collection of money.
och det ?r den tryckta referenser kan ett kvitto som en ers?ttning f?r kostnader och int?kter, som bara kan bevisa, anfall inte kunde tas med i kontakt med kontanter, och kostnaderna.
收金錢目,是現金收款仍是轉賬收款。收款事由是反響由於什麼,你們收對方的款,比方貨款,來往款之類的。 收據上都會有註明的。
det ?r ett bevis p? instrumenten.dagliga liv och som normalt anv?nds f?r kommersiell f?rvaltning.varifr?n har tryckeri perspektiv, i samband med r?nta p? skulder ?r en skriftlig redog?relse f?r fordringar och skulder som anges skriver signatur, som nu ?r skyldig sina borgen?rer genom en enda ange summa skulder.
The receipts receipts are divided into internal receipts and external receipts. Internal receipts are the receipts receipts purchased by the enterprise itself for the purpose of internal cost accounting.
A receipt can not be used as a capital, a cost, or an income, and can only be used as a credential for the collection of money. The receipt is printed not only with money, but also by the money that is printed in the receipt of the receipt. That is to say, receipt printing is the original cost, cost, or income of the seizure. Credentials.靖江市收据制作|靖江收款收据定做公司|收款收据印刷
时间 : 2018-06-19

公司成立于江浙,致力于印刷服务。经过发展,东润已成为江浙沪优秀印刷服务商 。
First, the receipt printing and receipt of the same point: receipt printing and receipt are all the original credentials, they can prove that a certain amount of money; different points: the receipt of the receipt of money can only be money, the receipt of the money can not be used as the capital, cost or income, only as a receipt for the collection of money.
och det ?r den tryckta referenser kan ett kvitto som en ers?ttning f?r kostnader och int?kter, som bara kan bevisa, anfall inte kunde tas med i kontakt med kontanter, och kostnaderna.
收金錢目,是現金收款仍是轉賬收款。收款事由是反響由於什麼,你們收對方的款,比方貨款,來往款之類的。 收據上都會有註明的。
det ?r ett bevis p? instrumenten.dagliga liv och som normalt anv?nds f?r kommersiell f?rvaltning.varifr?n har tryckeri perspektiv, i samband med r?nta p? skulder ?r en skriftlig redog?relse f?r fordringar och skulder som anges skriver signatur, som nu ?r skyldig sina borgen?rer genom en enda ange summa skulder.
The receipts receipts are divided into internal receipts and external receipts. Internal receipts are the receipts receipts purchased by the enterprise itself for the purpose of internal cost accounting.
A receipt can not be used as a capital, a cost, or an income, and can only be used as a credential for the collection of money. The receipt is printed not only with money, but also by the money that is printed in the receipt of the receipt. That is to say, receipt printing is the original cost, cost, or income of the seizure. Credentials.靖江市收据制作|靖江收款收据定做公司|收款收据印刷