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济南劳力士表售后-中国区服务中心 (2017-12-14) |
【劳力士Rolex维修服务中心介绍】瑞亨名表维修服务中心 【全国服务热线:400-875-1181】瑞亨名表维修服务中心,是中国地区专注于为各大瑞士和德系名表提供全国售后服务中心的行业资讯中心,以及各个独立制表机构建立了完善的售后维修服务体系,提供劳力士手表品牌集团旗下产品覆盖北京、上海、广州、成都、沈阳、武汉、深圳、郑州、济南、南昌、合肥、南京、天津、杭州、厦门、青岛、哈尔滨 排名不分先后)等全国十几个大中城市的服务维修服务点。 劳力士 劳力士(Rolex)是瑞士著名的手表制造商,前身为Wilsdorf and Davis(W&D)公司,由德国人汉斯·威斯多夫(Hans Wilsdof)与英国人戴维斯(Alfred Davis)于1905年在伦敦合伙经营。1908年由汉斯·威斯多夫在瑞士的拉夏德芬(La Chaux-de-Fonds)注册更名为ROLEX。经过一个世纪的发展,总部设在日内瓦的劳力士公司已拥有19个分公司,在世界主要的大都市有24个规模颇大的服务中心,年产手表45万只左右,成为市场占有量甚大的名牌手表之一。 真假辨别 劳力士表是瑞士产的名贵手表,它的设计、制作、始终保持传统的风格。它的性能包括全自动、单历、双历、防水、防尘等,做工精益求精,特别是表盘、表把及表带、雕刻成的王冠更是其高品质的标志。因为名牌手表在制造方面使用先进设备、高质材料,达到了加工精细、高光洁度。真劳力士手表,不论做工、文字都十分精细,有完美的手感,这是鉴别真伪的一个重要方面。 从外表看劳力士表壳精细、表带、王冠、英文字清楚、完整,而仿造表外壳粗糙,文字稍模糊。尤其表底、盖齿,十分精细而清楚、洁亮而有立体感,而仿造品粗糙而没有立体感,一般都比较浅。重量方面,真的手感沉实一些,假的轻得多(注:但有些仿造的里面也加一个铜圈)。就18K金质地劳力士的表壳、表带而言,真品一般由新到旧黄金品质、颜色不变,仿造品有14K金或者更低一些K金或镀上18K金的,但时间一长,就会变回原色。满天星的劳力士、镶在表上的钻石都是真的,而仿造品的钻石则是假的。 市场上也有出现真表壳、表带、里面放假机芯的劳力士表,所以最好用专用工具开表。真的劳力士机芯,一撬去自动舵,机芯夹板上刻有ROLEX字样,还刻有机芯号:1570、2135、3135、3035……等,假的则没有。真的机芯机件精细、纹线清楚,假的机芯比较粗糙发暗。 另外,拆下表带,表壳的侧表耳中间有表厂的型批号,下侧表耳中间有表号,仿造的基本没有(有些仿品也有,但不够齐整和清楚);劳力士手表都有质量保证书,右上角有两行以上阿拉伯字号码针孔刺字,齐整而清楚,而假的只一行针 孔刺字,很不统一,不太齐整,但不能以此来辨别,因为市场上也有假的保证书。 劳力士(Rolex)售后服务中心客服电话:400-875-1181(请您提前预约避免工作人员因国家法定假日调整上下班时间和维修人员过多而给您带来不便!) 华东地区维修服务热线:4006807911 济南(山东店)服务中心地址:济南市历下区泉城路180号齐鲁国际大厦B座10楼-1005 室(天地坛街贵和购物中心对面) 南京(江苏店)服务中心地址:南京市秦淮区新街口南京国际金融中心写字楼10楼H 合肥(安徽店)服务中心地址: 合肥市蜀山区长江西路189号合肥之心城环球中心写字楼A座20层09室 杭州(浙江店)服务中心地址:杭州市下城区环城北路208号杭州大厦C座坤和中心30层3006室(地铁武林广场站) 上海(上海店)服务中心地址:上海市黄浦区淮海中路283号香港广场南座办公楼11层05室 厦门(福建店)服务中心地址:厦门市思明区鹭江道8号厦门国际银行大厦24层C单元 华南地区维修服务热线:4008092655 广州(广东店)服务中心地址:广州市越秀区环市东路371-375号世界贸易中心大厦南塔15层1507室 深圳(广东店)服务中心地址:深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦(信兴广场)25层2510室 南宁(广西店)服务中心地址:南宁市青秀区金湖路59号地王大厦12楼 华中地区维修服务热线:4006807911 武汉(湖北店)服务中心地址:武汉市江汉区中山大道818号佳丽广场平安大厦22层11室 郑州(河南店)服务中心地址:郑州市金水区花园路39号国贸中心招银大厦14层1406室 南昌(江西店)服务中心地址:南昌市东湖区八一大道357号南昌财富广场A座24层02室 华北地区维修服务热线:4008092655 北京(北京店)服务中心地址:北京市西城区西外大街1号西直门西环广场T2办公楼7楼7C4 (凯德茂购物中心) 天津(天津店)服务中心地址:天津市和平区和平路175号振华百货大楼1楼(原天津百货) 太原(山西店)服务中心地址:山西省太原市迎泽区柳巷钟楼街15号 西南地区维修服务热线:4008751181 成都(四川店)服务中心地址:成都市天府广场百扬大厦21层2107室(远东百货,建行右侧乘梯) 重庆(重庆店)服务中心地址:重庆市解放碑渝中区民权路28号英利国际金融中心写字楼20层01室(英利大融城旁) 东北地区维修服务热线:4006770155 沈阳(辽宁店)服务中心地址:沈阳市和平区中华路69-1号富丽华国际商务中心9楼903室 哈尔滨(黑龙江店)服务中心地址:哈尔滨市南岗区东大直街146号上和置地广场金座12楼1214室【劳力士:手表售后维修中心门店图】 当技师接到确认维修保养的手表后需要把机芯和其他部件分离,机芯组件进行超声波清洁,之后放到保险库中,直到维修师取走.表链和表壳送到服务中心中的绿色区域进行清洁和抛光.机芯从保险库中取出后,马上会被送往机芯维修组装区域,工作车间进行了空气净化工程,就是常说的无尘超压区.车间中所有工位的前方有一个大屏幕,屏幕上不断滚动的数字和代码表示相对应的技师需要的零配件已经准备就绪,可以去配件窗口领取.很好地解决技师在维修过程中来回走动询问配件准备情况,既节省时间,同时又让大家安心于维修本身,并把影响他人的情况减少到最小.【图为劳力士:手表抛光工作台】 配件室全电子化管理,各种配件通过电脑直接查询和调取,工作快速准确.选用由瑞士直接提供的原厂品质配件更换组件.在组装环节中,机芯各个功能组件均涂最先进的润滑剂,以减少磨擦,预防耗损,确保顾客的腕表机芯可持续准确运行。安装平衡摆轮时,经完整检测后,每只机芯都会经过详细检查,为了对检测的质量水平作出保证,每只受检的腕表更将经过严格的计时和防水测试。最终,顾客将取得精准可靠的腕表。为确保计时精准,制表师细心调校平衡摆轮,并就其计时准确度进行电子测试。而后,制表师便会全面检测顾客的腕表,并在及后数天仔细观察,以验证腕表的性能。组装表壳时,小心安放表壳防水垫圈和水晶玻璃.没有安装机芯的表壳也会经过密封测试,空气压力测试(airtest)和防水测试(waterprooftest),表壳经过压缩测试确保每枚腕表应具备的实际防水功能,如果是DEEPSEA腕表需置入水深3900米的模拟环境中进行排氦阀门是否会打开的测试!【上图为劳力士:手表做真空、压缩、冷凝及防水测试的设备】 维修保养好的机芯再一次深入清洁后会装入表壳中,同时会有专人负责对组装好的机芯的表壳进行一次检查看看是否仍有瑕疵.所有手表的保养维修是完全同样的流程,不分贵贱.经过冷凝测试合格后的手表最后还需要进行时间精度测试,即专业设备记录下腕表某一时刻的三根指针之间的夹角度数,在24小时后的同一时刻的角度与前一次进行比对,多次记录后才能判断走时精准与否,这是非常科学严谨的做法.钟表维修中心会对员工会定期进行技术培训,以提高技师技术水平和理论知识,维修技术更专业!钻石手表如何保养?贵金属手表如何保养?机械表和石英表如何保养?这些问题,都是我们在日常手表使用过程中遇到的问题,当然不同类型的手表保养方式也不同,那么今天劳力士就跟大家分享一下手表保养大全,一起看看吧! 一、 钻石手表的保养秘诀: 1.钻石具有一定的亲油性,所以一定要尽量少与油脂接触。 2.不参与剧烈运动。虽然手表在出厂前均经过严格测试,但剧烈运动导致的钻石脱落现象仍屡有发生。做粗重工作时是不宜配戴钻石腕表,钻石虽耐磨,但若依其纹路方向受到重击仍有可能破损。 3.在专业机构清洗。钻石表的镶嵌空隙容易存下污垢,时间长了需清洗。为了手表安全请前往专业机构。 4.因经常佩戴及活动容易导致钻石松动,因此应时常注意钻石是否有松动状况,每半年应到珠宝店让珠宝店为您的首饰作彻底清洗及检查。 5.在不正规的表行,你买到的钻表上的钻很可能是后期镶上去的,无论品质和工艺水准都大打折扣,所以一定要认准原厂证书,而非所谓国内权威鉴定机构的证书。 one, diamond watch Maintenance Tips: 1 diamond has a certain Pro oily, so we must try to minimize contact with grease. 2 does not participate in strenuous exercise. Although the watch in the factory were rigorously tested, but the violent movement of the diamond off the phenomenon is still frequent occurrence. Do heavy work is not to wear diamond diamond watch, although wear, but if according to the grain direction is likely to damage a blow. 3 cleaning in professional institutions. Diamond table is easy to deposit a mosaic of dirt, a long time need to be cleaned. For the safety of your watch, please go to the professional organization. 4 due to frequent wear and activities can easily lead to loose diamonds, so should always pay attention to whether there is loose diamond, every six months should go to the jewelry store for your jewelry to make a thorough cleaning and inspection. 5 in the regular table, you buy the table drill drill is likely to be set up later, regardless of quality and technology level are greatly reduced, so we must look for the original certificate, rather than the so-called authoritative identification certificate. 二、贵金属手表保养秘诀: 1.避免接触化学物品,如漂白水、洗手液等。 2.K金材质容易因磨擦和碰撞而刮花,应轻拿轻放,并独立存放。 3.用非研磨性的布块清除表面手指纹及污迹,如擦银布或擦眼镜布。 4.虽然大表盘腕表盛行,但配戴金表时应有所节制,女款金表不超过36mm,男款正装金表以35~ 40mm为宜,运动款可稍大。 5.划痕是不可避免的。正常使用下出现的划痕,应理性对待。那是岁月留下的印痕,并非你呵护得不够,不必过分在意。 1.镀金手表上的镀金层大多是14K金,这种黄金除含有58.5%的纯金外,还含有一定数量的银。银和空气中的一些挥发性工业废气发生反应后,在表面上会 产生一层黑色的硫化银膜,从而使镀金手表失去金色的光泽。因此,戴镀金手表要避免接触化学物质和废气,如煤气、液化气和硫磺香皂等,并要保持镀金手表的干 燥。最好每周用绒布擦拭一次。另外,汗液中的氯化物对镀金手表有很大的腐蚀性,镀金手表如沾上汗液应及时擦拭干净,否则汗液会使手表失去原有的光泽。 2.在佩戴镀金手表前,应将表壳用干净软布擦拭干净,并均匀地涂上一层无色指甲油,干后再戴,以后每隔1~2个月涂1次。经过这样的处理,不但可以保持镀金手表的色泽,不被磨损,而且还可以增强其外表光亮度,同时在炎热的天气还可防止汗液及水汽浸入表内。 注意事项如不幸出现问题,最好的方式是带着手表前往售后点。您可及时到本公司的手表维修站点进行维修保养。 two, precious metal watch Maintenance Tips: 1 to avoid contact with chemicals, such as bleach, hand washing liquid, etc.. 2 carat gold material due to friction and collision scratch, should be handled with care, and stored independently. 3 with a non abrasive cloth to remove surface finger and stains, such as rub silver cloth or cloth wiping glasses. Although4 big Dial Watch popular, but with a gold watch should be moderate, female gold does not exceed 36mm, Mens Dress gold watch in 35 ~ 40mm is appropriate, the movement can be slightly larger. 5 scratches are inevitable. Under normal use of scratches, should be rational treatment. It is the imprint left by the years, you don't care enough, do not care too much about. Gilt1 gold-plated watch is mostly on the 14 carat gold, gold contains 58.5% pure gold, but also contains a certain amount of silver. Silver and some of the air in the volatile industrial waste gas reaction, the surface will produce a layer of black silver sulfide film, so that gold watch lost gold luster. Therefore, wear gold watch to avoid contact with chemical substances and waste gas, such as gas, liquefied gas and sulfur soap, etc., and to keep the drying of gold watch. The best time for a week to wipe cloth. In addition, sweat chloride is very corrosive to the gold watch, gold-plated watch as stained with sweat should promptly wipe clean, otherwise sweat will cause the watch to lose luster. 2 when wearing gold-plated watch, should be the case with a clean soft cloth to wipe clean, and evenly coated with a layer of colorless nail polish, dry after wearing, after every 1 to 2 months with 1 times. After this treatment, not only can maintain a gold-plated watch color, not to be worn, but also can enhance the appearance of brightness, while in hot weather can also prevent the sweat and moisture in the table. matters such as the unfortunate event, the best way is to take the watch to the point of sale. You can promptly to the company's watch repair site maintenance. 四、机械手表保养秘诀: 长时间的静置,机械表的发条自然放松至表款静止不动,此时,若要重新佩带,就必须先重新上紧发条,之后再校准时间,应总经理表示,一般机械表在发条最松的时候,会出现时针、分针变慢或变快的现象,所以,应该先上紧发条,以免校准时间后,没有标准动力驱动指针,即使是自动上炼表款,也应先用手动上炼至八分满,再进行时间校准。 如果每天都要佩戴,最好的保养方法是每两个星期紧一下发条,保证它的齿轮正常顺滑运转。轻轻旋转表冠直到能感觉到微微的紧迫。 当进行持续摆臂的体育活动时,建议不要佩戴机械表,因为持续的手臂摆动会破坏手表的机芯。一定保证手表时刻干燥。以避免铁锈的发生。这是保证手表拥有良好持久的使用寿命的关键。 机械表最好每年都要回修,检查看看有无使用不当或进水的情形。气候湿热,汗水、雨水加上脏空气等长年累积,对机械造成慢性侵蚀,所以「定期检查」非常重要,然后每三年需作一次彻底的清洗、保养。 五、石英手表保养秘诀: 1、当电池电量耗尽而手表停走时,应尽快送到指定的劳力士维修站进行检查,避免让没有电的电池长期留在表内引致机芯损坏。 2、在常温5℃-35℃的范围内,可稳定准确运作,走时精度每月±15秒左右,若温度超过50℃或低于-10℃时会导致手表略微走快或走慢,当回复常温时,上述情况会好转。 3、请勿把手表与收音机、电视机等具磁性的物体互相接近,以免影响准确性。 4、请勿把手表接近溶剂、水银、化妆用喷雾剂、清洁剂、粘剂或油漆、樟脑,否则表壳、表带等会脱色,变质或受损。 ·为防止表壳、表带生锈或变色,建议每天坚持用清水洗净凉干(指后壳有“WATER RESISTANT”防水标志的手表)。 5、机械表不用时,最好每月上发条一次,防止表内机油凝固。 6、防水、防震、防磁的手表,只能起预防作用,在使用时仍须避免与水、磁场接触及强烈震动,以免损坏机芯、影响使用寿命。 four, mechanical watch Maintenance Tips: The staticlong time, mechanical watch spring relaxed to watch motionless, at this time, if you want to wear, it must first be rewound, after the calibration time, should the general manager said, the general mechanical table when a very loose, there will be an hour hand and a minute hand slow or fast the phenomenon, therefore, should be a wound, so as to avoid the calibration time, there is no standard driving pointer, even the automatic mixing table, it should use manual mixing to eight minutes, then the time calibration. if you want to wear every day, the best maintenance method is to tighten the spring every two weeks, to ensure that the normal smooth running gear. Gently rotate the crown until it can feel a little tight. when the ongoing swing arm of the sports activities, it is recommended not to wear a mechanical watch, because the continuous arm swing will damage the watch movement. Must ensure that the watch is dry. In order to avoid the occurrence of rust. This is the key to ensure that the watch has a good and durable service life. the best mechanical watch every year to repair, check to see if there is any improper use or water situation. The climate is hot and humid, sweat, rain and dirty air accumulated for many years, cause chronic erosion of machinery, so the "regular inspection" is very important, and then every three years to make a thorough cleaning, maintenance. five, quartz watch Maintenance Tips: 1, when the battery is running out of time and watch to stop, should be sent to the designated brand name of the maintenance station to check, to avoid leaving the battery without electricity in the table caused damage to the table. 2, at room temperature in the range of 5 DEG -35 DEG inside, can be stable and accurate operation, when accuracy is + 15 seconds per month, if the temperature is higher than 50 DEG C or lower than -10 DEG C when the watch will lead to slightly faster or slower, when back to normal, the situation will improve. 3, do not watch with radio, TV and other magnetic objects close to each other, so as not to affect the accuracy of. 4, do not put the watch to the solvent, mercury, cosmetic, detergent, spray paint, adhesive or otherwise watchcase, watchband, camphor, bleaching, deterioration or damage. In order to prevent the watchcase, watchband, rust or discoloration, recommended every day is washed with water to dry (refers to watch after the shell had "WATER RESISTANT" waterproof sign). 5, when the machine is not used, it is best to spring up once a month to prevent the solidification of the oil inside the table. 6, waterproof, shock resistant and antimagnetic watch, can only play a role in the prevention, use of water, and must avoid magnetic contact and strong vibration, so as not to damage the movement, affect the service life. 刚表态过的朋友(0人) |
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